Apr 30, 2018
PlayPSVR interviews Justin Larrabee from Second Wind Interactive and creator of Just in Time Incorporated. We discuss his game, Invisible Hours, Code 51, the upcoming PSVR titles and the current games on sale
Apr 22, 2018
Code 51, Super Amazeballs, Battlezone Gold Edition, Upgrading to PS4 Pro, the Newest PSVR games, games on sale and western VR games.
Apr 9, 2018
Preta: Vendetta Rising, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, Super Amazeballs, Operation Warcade, Time Carnage, our very first fan appearance on the podcast and what games would be significantly better with minor changes
Apr 2, 2018
PlayPSVR discusses Wipeout Omega Collection, Moss, upcoming PSVR games (Crisis on the Planet of the Apes, Island Time and Time Carnage) as well as discuss the best Indie games on the PSVR market