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Sep 26, 2022

We're back at it with another episode covering the hands on experience with PSVR2 while also highlighting some upcoming games in NFL Pro Era and Startenders. We also have our first MASTER DEBATOR of PlayPSVR2: The Podcast. You don't want to miss this one folks, strap in for a wildly good time

Sep 16, 2022

What's in a sequel? What makes a good sequel? Better game play? Better story? Enhanced features? We discuss whether Cave Digger 2 is a good sequel, we talk Firewall Ultra and if PlayPSVR2 is a fitting sequel to PlayPSVR

Sep 11, 2022

Get that wax out of your dumbo sized ears cause WE'RE BACK!  Adam and Alex are coming in hot with recent news, game reviews and what to expect for the future of PlayPSVR.